الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «القرآن والحديث والعلماء: الجزية»

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سطر ١٣٥: سطر ١٣٥:

===الآراء الكلسيكية===
===الآراء الكلسيكية===
{{Quote|Sufi saint Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624), letter No. 163|The honour of Islam lies in insulting kufr and kafirs.
One who respects the kafirs dishonours the Muslims… The real purpose of levying jiziya on them is to humiliate them to such an extent that they may not be able to dress well and to live in grandeur. They should constantly remain terrified and trembling. It is intended to hold them under contempt and to uphold the honour and might of Islam.}}

{{Quote| [https://al-maktaba.org/book/11373/102#p2متن الرسالة لأبو محمد عبد الله بن (أبي زيد) عبد الرحمن النفزي، القيرواني، المالكي]|من يدفع الجزية
{{Quote| [https://al-maktaba.org/book/11373/102#p2متن الرسالة لأبو محمد عبد الله بن (أبي زيد) عبد الرحمن النفزي، القيرواني، المالكي]|من يدفع الجزية
سطر ١٥١: سطر ١٤٧:

{{Quote| تفسير الكشاف للزمخشري على سورة التوبة اية 29|سميت جزية، لأنها طائفة مما على أهل الذمة أن يجزوه أى يقضوه، أو لأنهم يجزون بها من منّ عليهم بالإعفاء عن القتل عَنْ يَدٍ إما أن يراد يد المعطى أو الآخذ(١) فمعناه على إرادة يد المعطى حتى يعطوها عن يد: أى عن يد مؤاتية غير ممتنعة(٢) لأنّ من أبى وامتنع لم يعط يده، بخلاف المطيع المنقاد، ولذلك قالوا: أعطى، بيده، إذا انقاد وأصحب(٣) . ألا ترى إلى قولهم. نزع يده عن الطاعة، كما يقال: خلع ربقة الطاعة عن عنقه، أو حتى يعطوها عن يد إلى يد نقداً غير نسيئة، لا مبعوثا على يد أحد. ولكن عن يد المعطى إلى يد الآخذ، وأما على إرادة يد الآخذ فمعناه حتى يعطوها(٤) عن يد قاهرة مستولية، أو عن إنعام عليهم. لأن قبول الجزية منهم وترك أرواحهم لهم نعمة عظيمة عليهم وَهُمْ صاغِرُونَ أى تؤخذ منهم على الصغار والذل. وهو أن يأتى بها بنفسه ما شياً غير راكب، ويسلمها وهو قائم- والمتسلم جالس، وأن يتلتل تلتلة(٥) ويؤخذ بتلبيبه، ويقال له: أدّ الجزية، وإن كان يؤدّيها ويزخ في قفاه.  }}
{{Quote| تفسير الكشاف للزمخشري على سورة التوبة اية 29|سميت جزية، لأنها طائفة مما على أهل الذمة أن يجزوه أى يقضوه، أو لأنهم يجزون بها من منّ عليهم بالإعفاء عن القتل عَنْ يَدٍ إما أن يراد يد المعطى أو الآخذ(١) فمعناه على إرادة يد المعطى حتى يعطوها عن يد: أى عن يد مؤاتية غير ممتنعة(٢) لأنّ من أبى وامتنع لم يعط يده، بخلاف المطيع المنقاد، ولذلك قالوا: أعطى، بيده، إذا انقاد وأصحب(٣) . ألا ترى إلى قولهم. نزع يده عن الطاعة، كما يقال: خلع ربقة الطاعة عن عنقه، أو حتى يعطوها عن يد إلى يد نقداً غير نسيئة، لا مبعوثا على يد أحد. ولكن عن يد المعطى إلى يد الآخذ، وأما على إرادة يد الآخذ فمعناه حتى يعطوها(٤) عن يد قاهرة مستولية، أو عن إنعام عليهم. لأن قبول الجزية منهم وترك أرواحهم لهم نعمة عظيمة عليهم وَهُمْ صاغِرُونَ أى تؤخذ منهم على الصغار والذل. وهو أن يأتى بها بنفسه ما شياً غير راكب، ويسلمها وهو قائم- والمتسلم جالس، وأن يتلتل تلتلة(٥) ويؤخذ بتلبيبه، ويقال له: أدّ الجزية، وإن كان يؤدّيها ويزخ في قفاه.  }}
{{Quote|Al-Baydawi (D. 1286)|...on the authority of Ibn Abbas...that the jizya is taken from the dhimmi,
[while] his neck is being hung low.<ref>Beidawi, Anwar al-Tan-il,ed. H. 0.Fleischer (1846-1848; repr.. Osnabrueck, 1968). vol. I, p. 383, line 25.</ref>}}
{{Quote|Al-Ghazali (1101)|...the dhimmi is obliged not to mention Allah or His Apostle…Jews, Christians, and Majians must pay the jizya …on offering up the jizya, the dhimmi must hang his head while the official takes hold of his beard and hits [the dhimmi] on the protruberant bone beneath his ear [i.e., the mandible]...<ref>Al-Ghazali (d. 1111). Kitab al-Wagiz fi fiqh madhab al-imam al-Safi’i, Beirut, 1979, pp. 186, 190-91; 199-200; 202-203. [English translation by Dr. Michael Schub.]</ref>}}
{{Quote|Al-Nawawi (Translated by E.C. Howard) (2005). ''Minhaj at talibin: a manual of Muhammadan law''. Adam Publishers. pp. 337–8. ISBN 978-81-7435-249-1|Our school (Shafi'i) insists upon the payment of the poll-tax by sickly persons, old men, even if decrepit, blind men, monks, workmen, and poor persons incapable of exercising a trade.<ref>These categories of non-Muslims are exempted from paying jizya according to other Sunni schools of thought.</ref> As for people who seem to be insolvent at the end of the year, the sum of the poll tax remained as debt to their account until they should become solvent."}}
===الآراء الحديثة===
{{Quote|{{cite web quotebox|url= http://englishtafsir.com/Quran/9/index.html#sdfootnote29sym|title= Tafhim al-Qur'an (The Meaning of the Qur'an)|publisher= Kazi Publications|author= Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi, A. A. Kamal (Ed.)|date= 1991|series= Surah At Taubah (footnote No. 28)|isbn=9781567441345|archiveurl= http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http%3A%2F%2Fenglishtafsir.com%2FQuran%2F9%2Findex.html%23sdfootnote29sym&date=2014-03-10|deadurl=no}}|"...(Fight with them) until they pay Jizyah with their own hands and are humbled."
This is the aim of Jihad with the Jews and the Christians and it is not to force them to become Muslims and adopt the `Islamic Way of Life.' They should be forced to pay Jizyah in order to put an end to their independence and supremacy so that they should not remain rulers and sovereigns in the land. These powers should be wrested from them by the followers of the true Faith, who should assume the sovereignty and lead others towards the Right Way, while they should become their subjects and pay jizyah. jizyah is paid by those non-Muslims who live as Zimmis (proteges) in an Islamic State, in exchange for the security and protection granted to them by it. This is also symbolical of the fact that they themselves agree to live in it as its subjects. This is the significance of "..... they Pay jizyah with their own hands," that is, "with full consent so that they willingly become the subjects of the Believers, who perform the duty of the vicegerents of Allah on the earth. "
At first this Command applied only to the Jews and the Christians. Then the Holy Prophet himself extended it to the Zoroastrians also. After his death, his Companions unanimously applied this rule to all the non-Muslim nations outside Arabia.
This is jizyah " of which the Muslims have been feeling apologetic during the last two centuries of their degeneration and there are still some people who continue to apologize for it. But the Way of Allah is straight and clear and does not stand in need of any apology to the rebels against Allah. Instead of offering apologies on behalf of Islam for the measure that guarantees security of life, property and faith to those who choose to live under its protection, the Muslims should feel proud of such a humane law as that of jizyah. For it is obvious that the maximum freedom that can be allowed to those who do not adopt the Way of Allah but choose to tread the ways of error is that they should be tolerated to lead the life they like. That is why the Islamic State offers them protection, if they agree to live as its Zimmis by paying jizyah, but it cannot allow that they should remain supreme rulers in any place and establish wrong ways and impose them on others. As this state of things inevitably produces chaos and disorder, it is the duty of the true Muslims to exert their utmost to bring to an end their wicked rule and bring them under a righteous order.
As regards the question, "What do the non-Muslims get in return for Jizyah " it may suffice to say that it is the price of the freedom which the Islamic State allows them in following their erroneous ways, while living in the jurisdiction of Islam and enjoying its protection. The money thus collected is spent in maintaining the righteous administration that gives them the freedom and protects their rights. This also serves as a yearly reminder to them that they have been deprived of the honor of paying Zakat in the Way of Allah, and forced to pay jizyah instead as a price of following the ways of error. }}

Editor، محررون، recentchangescleanup
