إذا تحب ويكي إسلام فيمكنك التبرع هنا الرجاء ان تدعم المسلمين السابقين في أمريكا الشمالية فهي المنظمة التي تستضيف وتدير هذا الموقع تبرع اليوم

الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «القرآن والحديث والعلماء: العنصرية»

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سطر ٢٣٠: سطر ٢٣٠:
====الآراء الكلاسيكية====
====الآراء الكلاسيكية====
{{Quote|{{citation|author=Susan A. Spectorsky|title=Women in Classical Islamic Law|publisher=Brill|pages=77-78|ISBN=978 90 04 17435 1|year=2010}}|In his ''Athar'', Shaybani quotes the first tradition above [‎“The Quraysh are each other’s equals, and the Arabs are each other’s equals. Among the ‎non-Arabs, whoever has two Muslim parents or grandparents are each other’s equal.”‎] approvingly and adds that '''if a woman ''does'' marry a man who is not her [racial and/or tribal] ‎equal, and her ''wali'' [legal male guardian] brings the matter to the qadi [Islamic judge], ‎the qadi ought to separate the couple.''' . . . Shaybani also notes that '''Abu Ḥanifa agrees''' that the ''qadi''
{{Quote|{{citation|author=Susan A. Spectorsky|title=Women in Classical Islamic Law|publisher=Brill|pages=77-78|ISBN=978 90 04 17435 1|year=2010}}|In his ''Athar'', Shaybani quotes the first tradition above [‎“The Quraysh are each other’s equals, and the Arabs are each other’s equals. Among the ‎non-Arabs, whoever has two Muslim parents or grandparents are each other’s equal.”‎] approvingly and adds that '''if a woman ''does'' marry a man who is not her [racial and/or tribal] ‎equal, and her ''wali'' [legal male guardian] brings the matter to the qadi [Islamic judge], ‎the qadi ought to separate the couple.''' . . . Shaybani also notes that '''Abu Ḥanifa agrees''' that the ''qadi''
separates the couple.”‎}}{{Quote|{{citation|pages=31-32|author=Nimrod Hurvitz|publisher=Routledge|title=The Formation of Hanbalism|year=2002|ISBN=978-0-415-61641-6}}|‎['''Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal''' was asked] '''‘I have a ‎paternal first cousin who is an Arab. Shall I give her in marriage to a ''mawla'' (i.e., a non-‎Arab client)?’ [Ibn Hanbal] said, ‘No.’ The man said, ‘But she is sickly (''da’ifa'').’ Ahmad said, ‎‎‘Do not give her in marriage (to him).’''' [On another occasion, another man asked Ibn ‎Hanbal] about '''someone who marries off his daughter to a ''mawla''? He (Ibn Hanbal) ‎replied: I would separate them.''' Then he (Ibn Hanbal) said: '''An Arab (married to) an Arab ‎‎(is) suitable (''kaf’'') and Quraysh (married to) Quraysh (is) suitable (''kaf’'').''' Then he ‎‎(presumably the interlocuter) asked: '''What would you think if a ''Zangi'' (Negro) married ‎one of the offspring (''walad'') of Fatima [the daughter of Muhammad]? He (Ibn Hanbal) ‎disapproved of it, and said: that is the doctrine of the ''Shu’ubiyya'' [a Persian sect that ‎believed in racial egalitarianism].‎'''}}{{Quote|{{citation|author=Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri|title=Reliance of the Traveler|page=523|url=http://www.catheyallison.com/Reliance_of_the_Traveller.pdf|edition=Revised Edition|publisher=Amana Publications|translator=Nuh Ha Mim Keller|location=Beltsville|chapter=m4.0 A Suitable Match (Kafa'a)|year=1997|ISBN=978 0 915957 72 9}}|'''If the bride selects a suitor who is not a suitable match for her, the guardian [''wali''; male legal guardian] is not obliged to marry her to him.''' If she selects a suitable match but her guardian chooses a different suitor who is also a suitable match, then the man chosen by the guardian takes precedence if the guardian is one who may lawfully compel her to marry (def: m3.13(1)), while the one she selects takes precedence when the guardian may not lawfully compel her to marry (m3.13(2)). [...]
separates the couple.”‎}}{{Quote|{{citation|pages=31-32|author=Nimrod Hurvitz|publisher=Routledge|title=The Formation of Hanbalism|year=2002|ISBN=978-0-415-61641-6}}|‎['''Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal''' was asked] '''‘I have a ‎paternal first cousin who is an Arab. Shall I give her in marriage to a ''mawla'' (i.e., a non-‎Arab client)?’ [Ibn Hanbal] said, ‘No.’ The man said, ‘But she is sickly (''da’ifa'').’ Ahmad said, ‎‎‘Do not give her in marriage (to him).’''' [On another occasion, another man asked Ibn ‎Hanbal] about '''someone who marries off his daughter to a ''mawla''? He (Ibn Hanbal) ‎replied: I would separate them.''' Then he (Ibn Hanbal) said: '''An Arab (married to) an Arab ‎‎(is) suitable (''kaf’'') and Quraysh (married to) Quraysh (is) suitable (''kaf’'').''' Then he ‎‎(presumably the interlocuter) asked: '''What would you think if a ''Zangi'' (Negro) married ‎one of the offspring (''walad'') of Fatima [the daughter of Muhammad]? He (Ibn Hanbal) ‎disapproved of it, and said: that is the doctrine of the ''Shu’ubiyya'' [a Persian sect that ‎believed in racial egalitarianism].‎'''}}{{Quote|[https://shamela.ws/book/37344/197#p4 عمدة السالك ةعدة الناسك لابن النَّقِيب الشافعي]|ولا يُزوِّجُ أحدٌ من الأولياءِ المرأةَ من غيرِ كُفءٍ إلا برضاها ورضا سائرِ الأولياءِ، فإن كان وليُّها الحاكمَ لم تُزوَّجْ من غيرِ كُفءٍ أصلاً وإن رضيت، وإن دَعتْ إلى غيرِ كُفءٍ لم يلزم الوليّ تزويجها، وإن عَيَّنتْ كُفْؤاً وعيَّنَ الوليُّ كُفْؤاً غيرهُ فمنْ عيَّنهُ الوليُّ أوْلى إن كانَ مُجبِراً، وإلا فمَنْ عيَّنَتْهُ أوْلى. والكفاءةُ في: النسَبِ والدِّينِ والحريةِ والصَّنعةِ وسلامة العيوبِ المُثْبِتَةِ للخِيار، فلا يُكافئ العجميُّ عربيةً، ولا غيرُ قُرَشيٍّ قُرشيَّةً، ولا غيرُ هاشميٍّ أو مُطَّلبيٍّ هاشميةً أو مطَّلبيةً، ولا فاسقٌ عفيفةً، ولا عبدٌ حرةً، ولا العتيقُ أو من مسَّ آباءَهُ رِقٌّ حرةَ الأصلِ، ولا ذو حِرفَةٍ دنيئةٍ بنتَ ذي حِرفةٍ أرفعَ، كخياطٍ بنتَ تاجرٍ، ولا معيبٌ بعيبٍ يُثْبِتُ الخِيارَ سليمةً منهُ، ولا اعتبارَ باليسارِ والشيخوخةِ، فمتى زوَّجها بغَيْرِ كُفءٍ بغَيرِ رضاها ورِضا الأولياءِ الذينَ هم في درَجتهِ فالنِّكاحُ باطلٌ، وإن رَضُوا أو رضيَتْ فليسَ للأبعدِ اعتراضٌ.}}
m4.2 '''The following are not suitable matched for one another: (1) a non-Arab man for an Arab woman (O: because of the hadith that the Prophet (Allah bless ‎him and give him peace) said, ‘Allah has chosen the Arabs above others.’‎'''}}

====الآراء الحديثة====
====الآراء الحديثة====
Editor، محررون، recentchangescleanup


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