إذا تحب ويكي إسلام فيمكنك التبرع هنا الرجاء ان تدعم المسلمين السابقين في أمريكا الشمالية فهي المنظمة التي تستضيف وتدير هذا الموقع تبرع اليوم

الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «القرآن والحديث والعلماء: الصور والتصوير»

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سطر ١: سطر ١:
<big>الحديث صريح جدًا أن أولئك الذين يصنعون ويحفظون الصور المحفورة (أمثال) وكذلك الصور المرسومة للأشياء أو الكائنات الحية (صور) سيتم ملعونهم ولن يسمح لهم بالدخول إلى الجنة. على هذا النحو ، أدان علماء الإسلام تقليديًا كلا الفعلين باعتبارهما حرامًا. تستخدم اللغة العربية الحديثة نفس الكلمة في الصورة المرسومة كما في الصورة ، لذلك هناك جدل بين علماء الإسلام المعاصرين حول ضرورة السماح بالتصوير الفوتوغرافي أو حتى التصوير السينمائي.</big>
<big>الحديث صريح جدًا أن أولئك الذين يصنعون ويحفظون الصور المحفورة (أمثال) وكذلك الصور المرسومة للأشياء أو الكائنات الحية (صور) سيتم ملعونهم ولن يسمح لهم بالدخول إلى الجنة. على هذا النحو ، أدان علماء الإسلام تقليديًا كلا الفعلين باعتبارهما حرامًا. تستخدم اللغة العربية الحديثة نفس الكلمة في الصورة المرسومة كما في الصورة ، لذلك هناك جدل بين علماء الإسلام المعاصرين حول ضرورة السماح بالتصوير الفوتوغرافي أو حتى التصوير السينمائي.</big>


===Sahih Bukhari===
===صحيح البخاري===

{{Quote|{{Bukhari|1|8|419}}|Narrated 'Aisha (the wife of the Prophet): Um Habiba and Um Salama mentioned about a church they had seen in Ethiopia in which there were pictures. They told the Prophet about it, on which he said, "'''If any religious man dies amongst those people they would build a place of worship at his grave and make these pictures in it. They will be the worst creature in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection.'''"}}  
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|1|8|419}}|Narrated 'Aisha (the wife of the Prophet): Um Habiba and Um Salama mentioned about a church they had seen in Ethiopia in which there were pictures. They told the Prophet about it, on which he said, "'''If any religious man dies amongst those people they would build a place of worship at his grave and make these pictures in it. They will be the worst creature in the sight of Allah on the Day of Resurrection.'''"}}  
سطر ٦٠: سطر ٦٠:
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|9|93|646}}|Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, "The painter of these pictures will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and it will be said to them, Make alive what you have created.' "}}
{{Quote|{{Bukhari|9|93|646}}|Narrated Aisha: Allah's Apostle said, "The painter of these pictures will be punished on the Day of Resurrection, and it will be said to them, Make alive what you have created.' "}}

===Sahih Muslim===
===صحيح مسلم===

{{Quote|{{Muslim|4|1076}}|'A'isha reported: Umm Habiba and Umm Salama made a mention before the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) of a church which they had seen in Abyssinia and which had pictures in it. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: '''When a pious person amongst them (among the religious groups) dies they build a place of worship on his grave, and then decorate it with such pictures. They would be the worst of creatures on the Day of judgment in the sight of Allah'''.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|4|1076}}|'A'isha reported: Umm Habiba and Umm Salama made a mention before the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) of a church which they had seen in Abyssinia and which had pictures in it. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: '''When a pious person amongst them (among the religious groups) dies they build a place of worship on his grave, and then decorate it with such pictures. They would be the worst of creatures on the Day of judgment in the sight of Allah'''.}}
سطر ٨٤: سطر ٨٤:
{{Quote|{{Muslim|24|5276}}|Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Angels do not enter the house in which there are portrayals or pictures.}}
{{Quote|{{Muslim|24|5276}}|Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Angels do not enter the house in which there are portrayals or pictures.}}

===Abu Dawud===
===سنن أبي داود===

{{Quote|{{Abu Dawud|1|227}}|Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Angels do not enter the house where there is a picture, or a dog, or a person who is sexually defiled.}}
{{Quote|{{Abu Dawud|1|227}}|Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Angels do not enter the house where there is a picture, or a dog, or a person who is sexually defiled.}}
سطر ٩٦: سطر ٩٦:
{{Quote|{{Abu Dawud|41|4914}}|Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: When the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) arrived after the expedition to Tabuk or Khaybar (the narrator is doubtful), the draught raised an end of a curtain which was hung in front of her store-room, revealing some dolls which belonged to her. He asked: What is this? She replied: My dolls. Among them he saw a horse with wings made of rags, and asked: What is this I see among them? She replied: A horse. He asked: What is this that it has on it? She replied: Two wings. He asked: A horse with two wings? She replied: Have you not heard that Solomon had horses with wings? She said: Thereupon the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) laughed so heartily that I could see his molar teeth.|See Also {{Abu Dawud|41|4913}}}}
{{Quote|{{Abu Dawud|41|4914}}|Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin: When the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) arrived after the expedition to Tabuk or Khaybar (the narrator is doubtful), the draught raised an end of a curtain which was hung in front of her store-room, revealing some dolls which belonged to her. He asked: What is this? She replied: My dolls. Among them he saw a horse with wings made of rags, and asked: What is this I see among them? She replied: A horse. He asked: What is this that it has on it? She replied: Two wings. He asked: A horse with two wings? She replied: Have you not heard that Solomon had horses with wings? She said: Thereupon the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) laughed so heartily that I could see his molar teeth.|See Also {{Abu Dawud|41|4913}}}}


===Pictures and children’s toys===
===الصور وألعاب الأطفال===

{{Quote|1=[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/20325|2=2011-07-30}} Ruling on keeping pictures and children’s toys]<BR>Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 20325|2=Firstly:  
{{Quote|1=[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/20325|2=2011-07-30}} Ruling on keeping pictures and children’s toys]<BR>Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 20325|2=Firstly:  
سطر ١٤٠: سطر ١٤٠:
And Allaah knows best.}}
And Allaah knows best.}}

===Partial images in cases of necessity===
===الصور الغير كاملة بحال الضرورة===

{{Quote|1=[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/13633|2=2011-07-30}} Ruling on making partial image in cases of necessity]<BR>Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 13633|2=It is clear that image-making is one of the blameworthy actions of the jaahiliyyah which Islam came to oppose. It is well established from clear, saheeh mutawaatir ahaadeeth that it is not allowed, and that the one who does this is cursed and is warned of torment in Hell, as in the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas which is attributed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Every image maker will be in Hell, and a soul will be given to every image which he made so that it might torment him in Hell.” (Narrated by Muslim).
{{Quote|1=[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.islamqa.com/en/ref/13633|2=2011-07-30}} Ruling on making partial image in cases of necessity]<BR>Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 13633|2=It is clear that image-making is one of the blameworthy actions of the jaahiliyyah which Islam came to oppose. It is well established from clear, saheeh mutawaatir ahaadeeth that it is not allowed, and that the one who does this is cursed and is warned of torment in Hell, as in the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas which is attributed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Every image maker will be in Hell, and a soul will be given to every image which he made so that it might torment him in Hell.” (Narrated by Muslim).
سطر ١٥٨: سطر ١٥٨:
Min Fataawa Samaahat al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (may Allaah have mercy on him)}}
Min Fataawa Samaahat al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem (may Allaah have mercy on him)}}

==External Links==
==الروابط الخارجية==

*[{{Reference archive|1=http://answering-islam.org/Muhammad/pictures.html|2=2011-07-22}} Are Pictures of Muhammad Really Forbidden In Islam?]'' - Answering Islam''
*[{{Reference archive|1=http://answering-islam.org/Muhammad/pictures.html|2=2011-07-22}} Are Pictures of Muhammad Really Forbidden In Islam?]'' - Answering Islam''
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