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الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «القرآن والحديث والعلماء: العلماء على الجهاد»

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[[w:Sayyid Qutb|Sayyid Qutb]] <span class="plainlinks">[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayyid_Qutb (1906 -1996)]</span> was an Egyptian author, educator, Islamist, poet, and the leading intellectual of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (one of the world's largest Islamic organizations) in the 1950s and '60s.
[[w:Sayyid Qutb|Sayyid Qutb]] <span class="plainlinks">[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayyid_Qutb (1906 -1996)]</span> was an Egyptian author, educator, Islamist, poet, and the leading intellectual of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (one of the world's largest Islamic organizations) in the 1950s and '60s.

{{Quote||'''''A Fight until Submission'''''<BR><blockquote>Fight against those who-despite having been given Scripture - do not truly believe in God and the Last Day, and do not treat as forbidden that which God and His Messenger have forbidden, and do not follow the religion of truth, till they pay the submission tax with a willing hand, after they have been humbled. (Verse 29)</blockquote>This verse and the ones that follow were meant to prepare the Muslims for their expedition to Tabuk and the confrontation with the Byzantines and their puppet regime of Christian Arabs, known as the Ghassanld. This suggests that the descriptions we have here were true of the people on the other side of the confrontation. They simply show the reality of those people. These descriptions are not mentioned here as conditions for fighting the people of earlier revelations, but as qualities inherent in their distorted beliefs and the actual reality of those people. Hence they provide the justification for fighting them. The ruling also applies to all those who share the same beliefs and characteristics.
{{Quote|في ظلال القرآن لسيد قطب|إن جدية النصوص القرآنية الواردة في الجهاد ; وجدية الأحاديث النبوية التي تحض عليه ; وجديـة الوقـائع
الجهادية في صدر الإسلام , وعلى مدى طويل من تاريخه . . إن هذه الجدية الواضحة تمنع أن يجـول فـي
This verse specifies three such characteristics. (1) They do not believe in God and the Last Day; (2) they do not treat as forbidden what God has forbidden what God has forbidden and (3) they do not believe in the religion of truth.
النفس ذلك التفسير الذي يحاوله المهزومون أمام ضغط الواقع الحاضر وأمام الهجوم الاستشراقي الماكر على
الجهاد الإسلامي !
Firstly, the Jews claim that Ezra is the son of God, and the Christians assert that Christ is His son. These claims echo similar ones made by the pagans of former times. Hence, they are to be treated on the same basis as people who do not believe in God and the Last Day. Secondly, they treat their rabbis and their monks, as well as Jesus Christ, as their Lords, in place of God. This is in total conflict with the principles of the faith of truth which is based on total submission to God alone, who has no partners. As they make such claims they demonstrate that they are idolaters who do not follow the true faith. Thirdly, they try to put out the light of God's guidance with their mouths. In other words, they are at war with the divine faith. No one is ever at war with the divine faith if he truly believes in God. Fourthly, many of their monks and rabbis devour peoples property without any justification. They do so knowing that their claims to such property are false. Hence they do not treat as forbidden what God and His Messenger have made forbidden, whether we take this statement as referring to the Messenger sent to them or to the Prophet Muhammad.
ومن ذا الذي يسمع قول االله سبحانه في هذا الشأن وقول رسوله [ ص ] ويتابع وقائع الجهاد الإسـلا مي ; ثـم
يظنه شأناً عارضاً مقيداً بملابسات تذهب وتجيء ; ويقف عند حدود الدفاع لتأمين الحدود !?
All these characteristics were true of the Christians in Syria and the Byzantines, as well as other Christians ever since Church Synods distorted the faith preached by Jesus Christ and claimed that he was the son of God and invented the concept of the Trinity, the conflict between the different sects and churches over the concept of Trinity notwithstanding. What we have here then is a general order stating a universal rule that applies to all those among the people of earlier revelations who share the same characteristics as the Christians of Syria and Byzantium. Aggression has been committed in the first place, against God's Lordship of
لقد بين االله للمؤمنين في أول ما نزل من الآيات التي أذن لهم فيها بالقتال أن الشأن الدائم الأصيل في طبيعـة
the universe and against human beings who are forced to submit to deities other than God. As Islam tries to defend God's Lordship and human dignity, ignorance will try to stop it by aggression and war. This is the reality we have to realize. This Qur'anic verse commands the Muslims to fight against those among the people of earlier revelations who "do not believe in God and the Last Day." A person who claims that Ezra or Jesus is the son of God cannot be described as a believer in God. The same applies to a person who says that the Christ is the Lord, or that God is one of a Trinity, or that He manifested Himself in Jesus. It further
هذه الحياة الدنيا أن يدفع الناس بعضهم ببعض , لدفع عالفساد ن الأرض: (أذن للذين يقاتلون بـأنهم ظلمـوا ,
applies to all concepts formulated by the Synods, diverse as these concepts are.Nor can we describe as believers in God and the Last-Day-those who say that they will suffer God's punishment only for a few days no matter what sins they may commit because God loves them as His sons and daughters, or because they are God's chosen people. The same applies to those who claim that all sins are forgiven through a holy communion with Jesus Christ, which is the only way to achieve forgiveness. Neither of these two groups can be described as believers in God or in the Last Day.
وإن االله على نصرهم لقدير . الذين أخرجوا من ديارهم بغير حق إلا أن يقولوا ربنا االله . ولولا دفع االله الناس
بعضهم ببعض لهدمت صوامع وبيع وصلوات ومساجد يذكر فيها اسم االله كثيراً). . وإذن فهو الشأن الـدائم لا
This verse also describes the people of earlier revelations as ones who do not treat as forbidden what God and His Messenger have made forbidden. Whether the term "His Messenger" refers to the Messenger whom God sent to them in particular or to the Prophet Muhammad, the import is the same. The following verses explain this by saying that they devour other people's property by false claims, an action which has been forbidden in all divine messages and by all God's messengers. Some of the clearest examples of this are usurious transactions, the sale of
الحالة العارضة . الشأن الدائم أن لا يتعايش الحق والباطل في هذه الأرض . وأنه متى قام الإسـلام بإعلانـه
bonds of forgiveness by the Church, opposition to the divine faith with brutal force as well as trying to turn believers away from their faith. Another clear example is forcing people to submit to beings other than God, and forcing them to implement laws other than those revealed by God. All these examples are covered by the description: "who do not treat as forbidden what God and His Messenger have forbidden." All this applies today to the people of earlier revelations as was applicable to them when this verse was revealed.
العام لإقامة ربوبية االله للعالمين , وتحرير الإنسان من العبودية للعباد , رماه المغتـصبون لـسلطان االله فـي
الأرض ولم يسالموه قط ; وانطلق هو كذلك يدمر عليهم ليخرج الناس من سلطانهم ويدفع عن "الإنسان" فـي
The Qur'anic verse also describes them as not following "the religion of truth." This is clear from what we have already said. It is not part of the religion of truth to believe in the Lordship of anyone other than God, or to apply a law different from God's law, or to accept legislation enacted by any authority other than God, or to submit to anyone other than Him. All these qualities are today true of the people of earlier revelations, as it was true of them then. The condition simply that they should pay the tribute, or the submission tax,
"الأرض" ذلك السلطان الغاصب . . حال دائمة لا يكف معها الانطلاق الجهادي التحريري حتى يكون الـدين
with a willing hand and that they be utterly subdued. What is the purpose of this condition, and why is it the end at which all fighting must stop? The answer is found in the fact that with such characteristics, the people of earlier revelations place themselves at war with the divine faith, both in belief and in practical terms. They are also at war with Islamic society because of the inherent conflict between the codes of living derived from the divine faith on the one hand and ignorance, or jahiliyyah, on the other. As described in these verses, the people of earlier revelations belong to jahiliyyah in both beliefs and practices. History also proves the nature of conflict, and the impossibility of co-existence between the two codes. The people of earlier revelations were determined in their opposition to the Islamic faith in the period preceding the revelation of this verse, and in the period following it, up to the present day.
كله الله .
إن الكف عن القتال في مكة لم يكن إلا مجرد مرحلة في خطة طويلة . كذلك كان الأمر أول العهد بـالهجرة .
As the only religion of truth that exists on earth today, Islam takes appropriate action to remove all physical and material obstacles that try to impede its efforts to liberate mankind from submission to anyone other than God. That submission is translated in following the religion of truth, provided that every human being is given free choice. There must be no pressure either from the religion itself or from those forces putting up the physical obstacles. The practical way to ensure the removal of those physical obstacles while not forcing anyone to adopt Islam is to smash the power of those authorities based on false beliefs until they declare their submission and demonstrate this by paying the submission tax. When this happens, the process of liberating mankind is completed by giving every individual the freedom of choice based on conviction. Anyone who is not convinced may continue to follow his faith. However, he has to pay the submission tax to fulfill a number of objectives...by paying this tax, known as jizyah, he declares that he will not stand in physical opposition to the efforts advocating the true Divine faith. <ref>Sayyid Qutb, ''In the Shad of the Qur'an'', vol. 4, pp. 404-405</ref>}}
والذي بعث الجماعة المسلمة في المدينة بعد الفترة الأولى للانطلاق لم يكن مجرد تأمين المدينة . . هذا هدف
أولي لا بد منه . . ولكنه ليس الهدف الأخير . . إنه هدف يضمن وسيلة الانطلاق ; ويؤمن قاعدة الانطلاق .
. الانطلاق لتحرير" الإنسان , " ولإزالة العقبات التي تمنع "الإنسان" ذاته من الانطلاق !
وكف أيدي المسلمين في مكة عن الجهاد بالسيف مفهوم . لأنه كان مكفولاً للدعوة في مكة حرية الـبلاغ . .
كان صاحبها [ ص ] يملك بحماية سيوف بني هاشم , أن يصدع بالدعوة ; ويخاطـب بهـا الآذان والعقـول
والقلوب ; ويواجه بها الأفراد . . لم تكن هناك سلطة سياسية منظمة تمنعه من إبلاغ الدعوة , أو تمنع الأفراد
من سماعه ! فلا ضرورة - في هذه المرحلة - لاستخدام القوة . وذلك إلى أسباب أخرى لعلها
كانت قائمة في هذه المرحلة . وقد لخصناها عند تفسير قوله تعالى: (ألم تر إلى الذين قيل لهم كفـوا أيـديكم
وأقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزكاة(. . . من سورة النساء . ولا نرى بأساً في إثبات بعض هذا التلخيص هنـا مـرة
أخرى :
"ربما كان ذلك لأن الفترة المكية كانت فترة تربية وإعداد , في بيئة معينة , لقوم معينـين , وسـط ظـروف
معينة . ومن أهداف التربية والإعداد في مثل هذه البيئة بالذات , تربية نفس الفرد العربي على الصبر على ما
لا يصبر عليه عادة من الضيم على شخصه أو على من يلوذون به . ليخلص من شخصه , ويتجرد من ذاته ,
ولا تعود ذاته ولا من يلوذون به محور الحياة في نظره ودافع الحركة في حياته . وتربيته كذلك على ضـبط
أعصابه , فلا يندفع لأول مؤثر - كما هي طبيعته - ولا يهتاج لأول مهيج , ليتم الاعتدال في طبيعته وحركته
.وتربيته على أن يتبع مجتمعاً منظماً له قيادة يرجع إليها في كل أمر من أمور حياته , ولا يتصرف إلا وفـق
ما تأمره به - مهما يكن مخالفاً لمألوفه وعادته - وقد كان هذا هو حجر الأساس في إعداد شخصية العربي ,
لإنشاء "المجتمع المسلم" الخاضع لقيادة موجهة , المترقي المتحضر , غير الهمجي أو القبلي !

===Ruhollah Khomeini===
===Ruhollah Khomeini===