الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «القرآن والحديث والعلماء: العلماء على الجهاد»

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سطر ٣٦٥: سطر ٣٦٥:
<span class="plainlinks">[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah_Yusuf_Azzam Abdullah Yusuf Azzam]</span> (1941 – 1989) was a highly influential Palestinian Sunni Islamic scholar and theologian.
<span class="plainlinks">[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdullah_Yusuf_Azzam Abdullah Yusuf Azzam]</span> (1941 – 1989) was a highly influential Palestinian Sunni Islamic scholar and theologian.

{{Quote||'''Establishing a solid foundation as a base for Islam'''
{{Quote|[https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/59/592F4DF890FBD14EA0E3AE5F7FDBF0FD_%D8%A5%D9%84%D8%AD%D9%82_%D8%A8%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%81%D9%84%D8%A9.pdf إلحق بالقافلة للدكتور عبد الله عزام]|إقامة القاعدةا الصلبة لدار السلم:

Establishment of the Muslim community on an area of land is a necessity, as vital as water and air. This homeland will not come about without an organised Islamic movement which perseveres consciously and realistically upon Jihad, and which regards fighting as a decisive factor and as a protective wrapping. The Islamic movement will not be able to establish the Islamic community except through a common, people's Jihad which has the Islamic movement as its beating heart and deliberating mind.
إن إقامة المجتمششع المسششلم فششوق بقعششة أرض ضششروأرية
للمسلمين، ضروأرةا الماء وأالهواء، وأهذه الدار لن تكششون
It will be like the small spark which ignites a large keg of explosives, for the Islamic movement brings about an eruption of the hidden capabilities of the Ummah, and a gushing forth of the springs of Good stored up in its depth. The Companions of the Prophet were exceedingly few in number compared to the troops who toppled the throne of the Persian Kisra and overthrew the Caesar of Rome.
إل بحركة إسلمية منظمة تلتزم الجهاد وأاقعا وأشششعارا
وأتتخذ القتال لحمة وأدثارا .
Nay, the tribes which reneged from Islam in the days of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq were dispatched by `Umar Ibn al-Khattab, after they had announced their repentance, to fight against the Persians. Talhah Ibn Khuwaylid al-Asadi, who had laid claim to prophethood before, became one of the most outstanding and revered heroes. Sa`d chose him for the important task of reconnoitring for information about the Persians, in which he showed outstanding courage.
وأإن الحركششة السششلمية لششن تسششتطيع إقامششة المجتمششع
المسلم إل من خلل جهاد شششعبي عششام، تكششون الحركششة
There are the handful of officers, some of whom may think that it is possible for them to carry out a collective Muslim effort - this is a kind of fantasy or delusion reminiscent of the past. It will be no more than a repetition of the tragedy of Abdel Nasser with the Islamic Movement once again.
السلمية قلبه النابض وأعقلششه المفكششر، وأتكششون بمثابششة
الصاعق الصغير الششذي يفجششر العبششوةا الناسششفة الكششبيرةا،
The popular Jihad movement with its long path of effort, great sacrifice and serious losses, purifies souls so that they tower above the lower material world. Important matters rise above petty disputes about money, short-term desires and inferior provisions. Malice disappears and souls are sharpened; and the caravan moves on up from the foot of the mountain to the lofty summit, far away from the stench of clay and the struggles of the low ground. Along the path of Jihad, the leadership is categorized. Abilities become manifest from the offerings and sacrifices, and men come forth with bravery and service.
فالحركة السلمية تفجر طاقات المة الكامنششة وأينششابيع
الخير المخزوأنة في أعماقها.
Do not think glory to be a wine-skin and songstress,
فالصحابة رضوان اللشه عليهشم كشان عشددهم قليل جشدا
بالنسبة لمجموع عامة المسلمين الذين قوضششوا عششرش
For glory can come only through war and severe fighting.
كسرى وأثلوا مجد قيصر.
بل إن القبائل المرتدةا عن السششلم فششي أيششام الصششديق
When important matters are the only concern, souls are uplifted above minor issues, and important things occupy people's hearts and hopes.
قد سيرهم عمر بششن الخطششاب -بعششد أن أعلنششوا تششوبتهم-
إلى قتال الفرس، وألقد أصبح طلحة بن خويلد السششدي
When you embark on an honorable venture,
البارزين، وأاختاره سعد بمهمة استكشاف أخبار الفرسالششذي ادعششى النبششوةا مششن قبششل- أحاششد أبطششال القادسششية
فأبدى شجاعة فائقة.
Be not content with aiming below the stars.
أما الحفنة من الضباط التي يمكن أن يتوهم البعض أن
بإمكانهم عمل مجتمع مسلم، فهذا ضرب من الخيال أوأ
For the taste of death in a paltry matter
وأهم يشبه المحششال ل يعششدوأا أن يكششون تكششرارا لمأسششاةا
عبد الناصر مع الحركة السلمية مرةا أخرى.
Is like the taste of death in a significant matter.
وأالحركة الشعبية الجهادية مششع طششول الطريششق وأمششرارةا
المعانششاةا وأضششخامة التضششحيات وأفداحاششة الرزاء، تصششفى
The cowards will see cowardice as reason,
النفششوس فتعلششوا علششى وأاقششع الرض الهششابط، وأترتفششع
الهتمامات عن الخصومات الصغيرةا على دراهم، وأعششن
And that is the treachery of the depraved disposition.
الغراض القريبششة، وأسفاسششف المتششاع وأتششزوأل الحاقششاد
وأتصششقل الروأاح، وأتسششير القافلششة صششعدا مششن السششفح
The nature of societies is precisely that of water. In stagnant water, water moss and decayed matter float on the surface, whereas flowing water will not carry scum on its surface. Similarly, the leadership of a stagnant society cannot fulfil its responsibility because leadership emerges only through movement, sacrifice, service and offering. Abu Bakr, `Umar, `Uthman and `Ali emerged as outstanding individuals through great feats and excessive sacrifices.
الهششابط إلششى القمششة السششامقة بعيششدا عششن نتششن الطيششن
وأصراع الغابات.
Thus Abu Bakr was not in need of election propaganda when the Ummah reached a consensus to elect him. No sooner did the soul of the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) ascend to meet his Lord than were all eyes turned to the open position; and they found none better than Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him).
وأعلششى طششول طريششق الجهششاد تفششرز القيششادات، وأتظهششر
الكفاءات مششن خلل العطششاء وأالتضششحية، وأيششبرز الرجششال
The Ummah, which performs Jihad, pays a high price, and so it harvests ripe fruits. It is not easy to lose something that was won through sweat and blood. Those who sit at the helm of leadership of people by the power of the first announcement of a military revolution accomplished behind the scenes in one of the offices of mediation can easily lose everything.
شجاعتهم وأبذلهم.
وأل تحسبن المجد زقا وأقينة فما المجد إل
Whoever seized a land without fighting,
الحرب وأالفتكة البكر
وأمع ارتفاع الهتمامات ترتفششع النفششوس عششن الصششغائر،
It is easy for him to give it up.
وأتصبح المور العظيمة غاية القلوب وأأمل الشعوب}}
The Ummah of Jihad, which is led by extraordinary people who emerged through the long Jihad movement, will not easily lose command, nor serve as easy prey for collapse. It is also not easy for its enemies to make it have suspicions about its heroes' excursions. The Jihad movement familiarizes the Ummah with all its individuals, informing them that they have contributed to the price paid, and have participated in the sacrifice for the establishment of the Islamic community. Thus they will be trustworthy custodians of this newborn community which has relieved the whole Ummah from the agony of its labor-pains. Without a doubt, the Islamic community will be born, but birth cannot be accomplished without labor, and with labor there must be pain.<ref>Sheikh Abdullah Yusuf Azzam - [[Join the Caravan]] - Azzam Publications, 2nd edition, 2001, ISBN 9780954084301</ref>}}

===Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi===
===Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi===
Editor، محررون، recentchangescleanup
