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الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «القرآن والحديث والعلماء: الردة»

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===الفقه الجعفري===
===الفقه الجعفري===

Tahrir al-Wasilah by Ayatolla Khomeini:
تحرير الوسيلة لآية الله الخميني:

{{Quote|[http://statics.ml.imam-khomeini.ir/en/File/NewsAttachment/2014/0000-tahrir%20j4-nA4.pdf imam-khomeini.ir] Imam Khomeini, Tahrir al-Wasilar Volumie IV (English translation), p.255-256|2=Conclusion Relating to Other Punishments
{{Quote|تحرير الوسيلة لآية الله الخميني|2=القول في الارتداد -  
مسألة 1 ـ ذكرنا في الميراث المرتد بقسميه وبعض أحكامه ، فالفطري لا يقبـل إسلامـه ظاهـراً ، ويقتل إن كان رجلا ، ولا تقتـل المرأة المرتدة ولو عن فطرة ، بل تحبس دائـها وتضـرب في أوقات الصلوات ، ويضيق عليهـا في المعيشة ، وتقبل توبتها ، فإن تابت أخـرجت عن الحبس ، والمرتـد الملي يستتاب ، فان امتنع قتل ، والأحوط استتابته ثلاثة أيام ، وقتل في اليوم الرابع .  
1-Chapter on Irtidad or Apostasy
مسألة ٢ - يعتبر في الحكم بالارتداد البلوغ والعقل والاختيار والقصد فلا عبـرة بـردة الصبي وإن كـان مـراهـقـاً ، ولا المجنـون وإن كـان أدواريـاً ولا المكره ، ولا بما يقع بلا قصد كالهازل والساهي والغافل والمغمى عليه ، ولو صدر منه حال غضب غالب لا يملك معه نفسه لم يحكم بالارتداد .  
مسألة 3 ـ لو ظهر منه ما يوجب الارتداد فادعى الاكراء مع احتماله أو احتماله قبـل منه ، ولو قامت البيئة على صـدور كلام منه موجب للارتداد فادعى ما ذكر قبل منه
'''Problem # 1.''' Under the section on inheritance, we have already mentioned the two categories of Apostate and some relevant laws. So Islam of a '''Murtad al-Fitri (an Apostate born of Muslim parents)''' shall apparently not be accepted [after he has first apostatized], '''and he shall be condemned to death if he is male''', but a woman shall not be condemned to death even if she is '''Murtadda al-Fitriya (a woman born of Muslim parents), but shall be kept in life imprisonment, and she shall be given beatings at the times of prayer, and she shall be subjected to tightening or scarcity of food.''' Her repentance shall be accepted. So if she repents, she shall be set free. '''A Murtad al-Milli (and Apostate born of non-Muslim parents) shall be asked to repent. On his refusal, he shall be condemned to death.'''
مسألة 4 ـ ولـد المرتـد المـلي قبـل ارتداده بحكم المسلم ، فلو بلغ واختـار الكفـر استتيب ، فان تـاب وإلا قتل ، وكذا ولد المـرتـد الفطري قبـل ارتـداده بحكم المسلم ، فإذا بلغ واختار الكفـر وكذا ولـد المسلم إذا بلغ واختـار الكفـر قبـل إظهار الإسلام فالظاهـر عـدم إجـراء حكم المرتد فطريـا عليها ، بل يستتابان ، وإلا فيقتلان .  
مسألة 5 ـ إذا تكرر الارتداد من الملي قيل : يقتل في الثالثة ، وقيل يقتـل في الرابعة ، وهو أحوط .  
'''Problem # 2.''' It is a condition for the enforcement of law of apostasy that the apostate must be adult, sane, and having free will and intention. So the apostasy of a minor body has not legal value, even if he is an adolescent, nor of a lunatic, even if has periodical lunacy, nor of one under duress (mukreh), or one acting without intention as, one acting as a joke, by mistake, out of negligence and in a state of stupor. If a person becomes apostate in a state of anger in which he has lost control on himself, he shall not be governed by the law of apostasy.
مسألة 6 ـ لو جن المرتد الملي بعـد ردته وقبـل استتابته لم يقتل ، ولو طرا الجنون بعد استتابته وامتناعه المبيح لقتله يقتل ، كا يقتل الفطري إذا عرضه الجنون بعد ردته .  
مسألة 7 ـ لو تاب المرتد عن ملة فقتله من يعتقـد بقاءه على الردة قيـل عليه القود ، والأقوى عد عدمه ، نعم عليه الدية في ماله .  
'''Problem # 3.''' If some indications appear in a person that lead to apostasy, and he claims to be acting under duress with the existence of its likelihood, or lack of intention or slip of tongue with the existence of its likelihood, such excuses shall he accepted from him. If some evidence is produced about some utterance by him leading to apostasy, and he brings forth the excuses mentioned before, his claim shall be accepted.
مسألة 8 ـ لو قتل المرتد مسلماً عمداً فللولي قتله قوداً ، وهو مقدم على قتله بالردة ، ولو عفا الولي أو صالحه على مال قتل بالردة .  
مسألة 9 ـ يثبت الارتداد بشهـادة عـدلـين وبالاقرار ، والأحوط إقراره مرتين ، ولا يثبت بشهادة النساء منفردات ولا منظمات .}}
'''Problem # 4.''' A child born to a Murtad al-Milli before his apostasy shall he treated as a Muslim. If he becomes an infidel after attaining adulthood, he shall be asked to repent. If he repents, (well and good), otherwise he shall be condemned to death. Likewise, the son of a Murtad al-Fitri born before his apostasy shall be treated as a Muslim. If he becomes an infidel after attaining adulthood, and similarly the son of a Muslim who becomes an intidel alter attaining adulthood before announcing their Islam, apparently both of them shall not be treated as a Martad al-Fitri, but shall be asked to repent, [if they repent, well and good, but if they refuse] they shall be condemned to death.
'''Problem # 5.''' If a Murtad al-Milli repeats apostasy (after once having repented], he shall be condemned to death after he apostatizes for a third time, and according to some jurists, for the fourth time, and this is a more cautious opinion.
'''Problem # 6.''' If a Murtad al-Milli becomes insane after apostasy but before he is asked to repent, he shall not be condemned to death. But if he becomes insane after having been asked to repent and after his refusal leading to the permissibility of shedding his blood, he shall be condemned to death, as a Murtad al-Fitri is condemned to death when he suffers insanity after apostasy.
'''Problem # 7.''' If a person kills a Murtad al-Milli subsequent to his repentance under the impression that he has still been apostate, some jurists are of the opinion that the killer shall be liable to undergo (Qisas). But according to the stronger opinion, he shall not be liable to Qisas. Of course, he shall be liable to pay Diyat from his property.
'''Problem # 8.''' If an apostate kills a muslim deliberately, his wali (or guardian shall be entitled to kill the murderer by way of Qisas. That will be precedent to his death sentence for apostasy. If the wali [of the Muslim killed by the apostate] pardons him or compromises on payment of money, the killer shall be condemned to death for apostasy.
'''Problem # 9.''' An apostasy is proved by the testimony of two witnesses of reputed integrity and by confession of the apostate. It is more cautious that the apostate must repent twice. But it is not established by the testimony of women alone or accompanied by men.}}