إذا تحب ويكي إسلام فيمكنك التبرع هنا الرجاء ان تدعم المسلمين السابقين في أمريكا الشمالية فهي المنظمة التي تستضيف وتدير هذا الموقع تبرع اليوم

الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «الفصل بين الجنسين في الإسلام»

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سطر ٧٤: سطر ٧٤:
=== الفتاوى الحديثة ===
=== الفتاوى الحديثة ===
تؤكد فتاوى العلماء المسلمين الأخيرة على أن الاختلاط الحر بين الرجال والنساء غير مسموح به في الإسلام تحت أي ظرف من الظروف، حتى في يومنا هذا:
تؤكد فتاوى العلماء المسلمين الأخيرة على أن الاختلاط الحر بين الرجال والنساء غير مسموح به في الإسلام تحت أي ظرف من الظروف، حتى في يومنا هذا:
{{اقتباس|Shaikh AbdulAziz Bin Bazz, 'Islamic Fatwas regarding Women', Page No. 313|Question: What is Islam's view of women working alongside men?
Answer: It is known that when women go to work in the workplaces of men this leads to mixing with men and being in private with them. This is a very dangerous matter that has dangerous consequences and negative results. It is in clear opposition to the texts of the Shariah that order the women to remain in their houses and to fulfill the type of work that is particular for her and upon which Allah has fashioned her nature, which is far from the place where she will mix with men.
The clear, authentic evidences that indicate that it is forbidden for men and non related women to be in private together and for men to look at women are numerous. There are also much evidence that what leads up to those forbidden ends are also forbidden. The evidences are many, clear and decisive that the mixing between the sexes is forbidden as it leads to negative and blameworthy results.}}{{اقتباس|Shaikh Ibn Uthaimin, 'Fatwas regarding Women', Page No. 364|Question: Is it allowed for Muslim women to attend educational meetings and fiqh study sessions in the mosques?
Answer: Yes. It is allowed for her to attend educational meetings, regardless if they are related to practical matters or to matters of faith and monotheism. This is given the condition that she is not perfumed or displaying her beauty. She must also be distant from the men and not mixing with them.
Question: What are the permissible types of work for a Muslim woman to work in without being in contradiction with the teachings of her religion?
Answer: The places of work for women are those places that are specific for women. For example, she may work in woman's education, either in administration or otherwise. She can also work in her house by being a tailor for women and so forth. It is not allowed for her to work in areas which are exclusive for men because in that case she must mix with men and this is a great source of trial and temptation that one must beware of.}}