الفرق بين المراجعتين لصفحة: «القرآن والحديث والعلماء: الحيوانات»

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سطر ١: سطر ١:
<big>التقليد الإسلامي لديه الكثير ليقوله عن الحيوانات المختلفة. ولعل أكثر ما يلفت النظر هو أن الحديث يقدم قصة رائعة عن البراق ، وهو مخلوق طائر أخذ محمد في جولة في المسجد الأقصى وكذلك في السماء. غير البراق ، يقدم محمد والصحابة آراء قوية حول الحيوانات المختلفة. يظهر التقليد قبل كل شيء كراهية شديدة للكلاب ، التي ستمنع الملائكة من دخول منزل أولئك الذين يمتلكونها. يتم التغاضي عن قتلها ، إلى جانب بعض الزواحف الأخرى "المزعجة" مثل السمندل والأبراص والأفاعي. بالإضافة إلى أن المؤمنين قد يقتلون ويأكلون بعض الحيوانات فقط ، ومنها البقر والماعز والغنم. بينما يُدان أكل الحيوانات "النجسة" مثل الكلاب والزواحف ، كذلك يُحكم على النباتيين ، وبالفعل ينص التقليد على أن اللحوم ستُقدم للمؤمنين في الجنة.</big>
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سطر ٢٤٨: سطر ٢٤٨:

===النباتية غير إسلامية===
===النباتية غير إسلامية===
{{Quote|‘Izz ad-Din b. ‘Abd as‑Salam, Qawa’id al-Ahkam fi Masalih al‑Anam (Damascus: Dar al-Tabba, 1992); cited in Izzi Dien, 146.|The unbeliever who prohibits the slaughtering of an animal [for no reason but] to achieve the interest of the animal is incorrect because in so doing he gives preference to a lower, khasis, animal over a higher, ''nafis'', animal.}}

{{Quote|Mawil Izzi Dien, The Environmental Dimensions of Islam (Cambridge, England: Lutterworth, 2000), 146.|According to Islamic Law there are no grounds upon which one can argue that animals should not be killed for food. The Islamic legal opinion on this issue is based on clear Qur’anic verses. Muslims are not only prohibited from eating certain food, but also may not choose to prohibit themselves food that is allowed by Islam. Accordingly vegetarianism is not permitted unless on grounds such as unavailability or medical necessity. Vegetarianism is not allowed under the pretext of giving priority to the interest of animals because such decisions are God’s prerogative.}}
{{Quote|Mawil Izzi Dien, The Environmental Dimensions of Islam (Cambridge, England: Lutterworth, 2000), 146.|According to Islamic Law there are no grounds upon which one can argue that animals should not be killed for food. The Islamic legal opinion on this issue is based on clear Qur’anic verses. Muslims are not only prohibited from eating certain food, but also may not choose to prohibit themselves food that is allowed by Islam. Accordingly vegetarianism is not permitted unless on grounds such as unavailability or medical necessity. Vegetarianism is not allowed under the pretext of giving priority to the interest of animals because such decisions are God’s prerogative.}}

===الاحتفاظ بالكلاب===
===الاحتفاظ بالكلاب===
{{Quote|1=[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/69777|2=2011-07-10}} Prohibition on keeping dogs except those exempted by sharee’ah]<BR>Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 69777|2=Firstly:
It is not permissible for a Muslim to keep a dog, unless he needs this dog for hunting, guarding livestock or guarding crops. ''[Quotes: Al-Bukhaari (2145), Muslim (2978), and Muslim (2943)] ''
Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr said: This hadeeth shows that it is permissible to keep a dog for hunting and herding livestock, and also for farming.
Ibn Maajah (3640) narrated from ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or an image.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.
These ahaadeeth indicate that it is haraam to keep a dog, except for those which were exempted by the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
The scholars differed as to how to reconcile between the reports which speak of one qiraat being deducted and those which speak of two qiraats being deducted.
It was said that two qiraats will be deducted if the dog is more harmful and one qiraat will be deducted if it is less so.
And it was said that that at first the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that one qiraat would be deducted, then the punishment was increased after that, so he said that two qiraats would be deducted in order to put people off from keeping dogs even more.
The qiraat is an amount that is known to Allaah, may He be exalted, and what is meant is that some of the reward for a person’s good deeds will be deducted.
See Sharh Muslim by al-Nawawi, 10/342; Fath al-Baari, 5/9
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said in Sharh Riyaadh al-Saaliheen, 4/241:
With regard to keeping dogs, this is haraam and is in fact a major sin, because the one who keeps a dog, except those for which an exception has been made, will have two qiraats deducted from his reward every day.
It is by the wisdom of Allaah that like calls to like and evil calls to evil. It is said that the kaafirs, Jews, Christians and communists in the east and the west all keep dogs, Allaah forbid. Each one takes his dog with him and cleans it every day with soap and other cleansing agents. But even if he were to clean it with the water of all the seas in the world and all the soap in the world, it would never become pure! Because its impurity is inherent, and inherent impurity cannot be cleansed except by destroying it and erasing it altogether.
But this is by the wisdom of Allaah, and the wisdom of Allaah is that like calls to like and evil calls to Shaytaan because this kufr of theirs is by the inspiration of the Shaytaan and the command of the Shaytaan, for the Shaytaan enjoins evil, immorality, kufr and misguidance. So they are slaves to the Shaytaan and to their whims and desires, and they are also evil and love vile things. We ask Allaah to guide us and them. End quote.
Is it permissible to keep dogs to guard houses?
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) made only three exceptions to the prohibition on keeping dogs: hunting, guarding livestock and guarding crops.
Some scholars are of the view that it is not permissible to keep a dog for any reason other than these three. Others are of the view that it is permissible to draw analogies between these three and similar or more likely cases, such as guarding houses, because if it is permissible to keep dogs to guard livestock and crops, it is more appropriate that it should be permissible to keep dogs to guard houses.
Al-Nawawi said in Sharh Muslim (10/340):
Is it permissible to keep a dog to guard houses, alleys and the like? There are two points of view. The first is that it is not permissible, because of the apparent meaning of the ahaadeeth, which clearly state that keeping dogs is forbidden except for farming, hunting and herding. The more correct view is that it is permissible, by analogy with those three cases, knowing that the reason that is understood from the ahaadeeth is necessity. End quote.
The view that was classed as saheeh by al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him), that keeping a dog to guard the house is permissible, was also classed as saheeh by Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) in Sharh Saheeh Muslim. He said:
The correct view is that it is permissible to keep a dog to guard the house, because if it is permissible to keep a dog in order to benefit from it, as in the case of hunting, it is more appropriate that one be allowed to keep a dog in order to ward off harm and protect oneself.}}

===قتل الوزغ===
===قتل الوزغ===
{{Quote|1=[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/13821/Mischief|2=2011-07-10}} Killing salamanders by hand]<BR>Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 13821|2=Killing salamanders is prescribed because there is a great deal of evidence to that effect. It should be done with a tool or implement, etc. There is nothing in the reports to specify that they should be killed by hand or to encourage killing them by hand. I do not think that this is correct and there is no report to this effect. That is alien to Islamic teaching and good characteristics.
In al-Saheehayn and elsewhere it is narrated via Sa’eed ibn al-Musayyib that Um Shareek told him that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told her to kill salamanders. According to the report narrated by al-Bukhaari, he said: “It (the salamander) used to blow on Ibraaheem, peace be upon him.”
In Saheeh Muslim it is narrated via ‘Abd al-Razzaaq, Mu’ammar told us from al-Zuhri from ‘Aamir ibn Sa’d from his father that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said enjoined the killing of salamanders and called them mischief doers.
Killing salamanders with one blow brings more reward than killing them with two blows. This was narrated in Saheeh Muslim via Khaalid ibn ‘Abd-Allaah from Suhayl ibn Abi Saalih from his father from Abu Hurayrah, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever kills a salamander with one blow will have such and such hasanah (good deeds); whoever kills it with the second blow will have such and such hasanah, less than the first; and whoever kills it with three blows will have such and such hasanah – less that the second.” 
Shaykh Sulaymaan al-‘Alwaan. 
Ibn Maajah (may Allaah have mercy on him) narrated in his Sunan from Saa’ibah the slave woman of al-Faakih ibn al-Mugheerah that she entered upon ‘Aa’ishah and saw a spear sitting there in her house. She said, “O Mother of the Believers, what do you do with this?” She said, “We kill these salamanders with it, because the Prophet of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that when Ibraaheem was thrown into the fire, there was no animal on earth but it tried to extinguish the fire, except for the salamander, which was blowing on the fire (to keep it burning). So the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) commanded that they should be killed.” 
(Sunan Ibn Maajah, 3222. He said in al-Zawaa’id, the isnaad of ‘Aa’ishah’s hadeeth is saheeh, its men are thiqaat (trustworthy) }}

===لبس اللباس الذي يشبه الحيوانات===
===لبس اللباس الذي يشبه الحيوانات===
{{Quote|1=[{{Reference archive|1=http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/121231/animals|2=2011-07-10}} What is the ruling on wearing masks or costumes in the shape of animals at children’s parties?]<BR>Islam Q&A, Fatwa No. 121231|2=Many scholars have granted concessions with regard to children’s toys, even if they are in the shape of an animate being, because of the report narrated by Abu Dawood (4932) from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came back from the campaign to Tabook or Khaybar and there was a curtain over her niche. The wind lifted the edge of the curtain and uncovered ‘Aa’ishah’s toy dolls. He said: “What is this, O ‘Aa’ishah?” She said: My dolls. He saw among them a horse with two wings made of cloth and he said: “What is this that I see in the midst of them?” She said: A horse. He said: “What is this that I see on it?” I said: Two wings. He said: “A horse with wings?” She said: Have you not heard that Sulaymaan had horses with wings? She said: And the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) smiled so broadly that I saw his eyeteeth.
And al-Bukhaari (5779) and Muslim (2440) narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: I used to play with dolls in the house of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and I had friends who would play with me…”
This is with regard to toys and costumes, and there is a well-known difference of opinion concerning this matter. Some of the scholars forbade children’s toys if they are in the form of an animal such as a lion or tiger and the like, and some granted a concession allowing that.
See: Ahkaam al-Tasweer fi’l-Fiqh al-Islami, p. 241-261; Fataawa Noor ‘ala al-Darb by Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, tape no. 374, side A.
According to the view that costumes are permissible in general, if a person wears something that is made in the shape of a bear, for example, and he tries to imitate the way it moves and walks, this includes two things concerning which there are reservations: imitating animals and wearing an image or something on which there is an image.
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said concerning contact lenses:
If they resemble an animal’s eyes, such as those look like the eyes of a cat or a rabbit or any other animal, that is not permissible, because resembling animals is not mentioned in the Qur’aan and Sunnah except in the context of blame. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And recite (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) to them the story of him to whom We gave Our Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), but he threw them away; so Shaytaan (Satan) followed him up, and he became of those who went astray.
176. And had We willed, We would surely, have elevated him therewith, but he clung to the earth and followed his own vain desire. So his parable is the parable of a dog: if you drive him away, he lolls his tongue out, or if you leave him alone, he (still) lolls his tongue out. Such is the parable of the people who reject Our Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.). So relate the stories, perhaps they may reflect.
177. Evil is the parable of the people who rejected Our Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses and signs, etc.), and used to wrong their ownselves”
[al-A ‘raaf 7:175-177].
And He says (interpretation of the meaning):
“The likeness of those who were entrusted with the (obligation of the) Tawraat (Torah) (i.e. to obey its commandments and to practise its laws), but who subsequently failed in those (obligations), is as the likeness of a donkey which carries huge burdens of books (but understands nothing from them). How bad is the example of people who deny the Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allaah. And Allaah guides not the people who are Zaalimoon (polytheists, wrongdoers, disbelievers)”
[al-Jumu ‘ah 62:5].
And the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The one who takes back his gift is like the dog that vomits, then returns to its vomit.” And he said: “The bad likeness is not for us.” And he (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The one who speaks on Friday when the imam is delivering the khutbah is like a donkey that carries books.”
End quote from Fataawa Noor ‘ala al-Darb.
See also Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (32/256-260), where there is a detailed fatwa about the prohibition on resembling animals or imitating their movements or sounds.
Shaykh Dr. Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Khudayri, a member of the Faculty of Imam Muhammad ibn Sa‘ood Islamic University (may Allah preserve him) was asked:
We are a group who work in children’s theatre and we offer useful programs in the park or in a theatre for children, where children and their parents come to watch us. We segregate men from women and the children sit in the chairs at the front. Some of the young people wear costumes in the form of a fox or bear or cucumber or orange. Our question is: is acting and wearing these costumes permissible?
He replied: If what you are offering in the theatre is a useful program aimed at benefiting children, and there is no mixing between men and women in that place, then there is nothing wrong with this action. But resembling animals is not something appropriate for the Muslim to do, because it is humiliating a soul that Allah has honoured with reason, and resembling animals is not mentioned in the Qur’aan or Sunnah except in the context of blame. If the costume of this animal is three-dimensional, it is not permissible because it comes under the heading of making images, which is forbidden in the texts. As for costumes resembling inanimate objects, there is nothing wrong with wearing them and using them.
From the Islam Today website.
It is not permissible to wear anything on which there is an image of an animal or human.
It says in Mataalib Ooli’l-Nuha (1/353):
It is haraam for both males and females to wear anything on which there is an image of an animal, because of the hadeeth of Abu Talhah who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is an image or a dog.” (Agreed upon)
Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about the ruling on wearing clothes on which there is an image of an animal or human. He replied: It is not permissible for a person to wear a garment on which there is an image of an animal or a human. It is also not permissible for him to wear a headcover or the like on which there is an image of a human or an animal, because it is proven that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is an image.” End quote.
What appears to be the case is that wearing something that is made in the shape of an animal is more contrary to sharee‘ah than wearing regular clothes like shirts and so on, on which there is the image of an animal.
Thus it is clear that there is no concession with regard to what you have mentioned about wearing a costume in the form of a human or animal, even if the aim is to take part in a program for children so that they can have fun. }}

===الإحتفاظ بالكلاب هو عادة الكفار===
===الإحتفاظ بالكلاب هو عادة الكفار===
{{Quote|{{cite web quotebox|url= http://islamqa.info/en/ref/377|title= Ruling on having a dog|publisher= Islam Q&A|author= Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid|series= Fatwa No. 377|date= |archiveurl= http://www.webcitation.org/query?url=http%3A%2F%2Fislamqa.info%2Fen%2Fref%2F377&date=2013-07-07|deadurl=no}}|
According to Islaamic Sharee’ah, it is not permitted to keep a dog except within narrowly-defined limits, as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained: "Whoever keeps a dog, his good deeds will decrease every day by one qeeraat (a unit of measurement), unless it is a dog for farming or herding." According to another report: ". . . unless it is a dog for herding sheep, farming or hunting." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, al-Fath, 2322)
Dogs are extremely naajis (impure, unclean). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "If a dog drinks from the vessel of any one of you, let him wash it seven times" (reported by Muslim, no. 279). According to another report: ". . . and clean it the eighth time with earth." (Saheeh Muslim, no. 280).
It is forbidden in Islaam to sell a dog and to receive payment for it, as is reported in Saheeh al-Bukhaari from Abu Mas’oud al-Ansaari: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade (accepting) the price of a dog. (al-Fath, no. 2237)
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us not to resemble dogs by placing our forearms on the ground during sujood (prostration), as in reported in the hadeeth narrated by Anas ibn Maalik, according to which the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do sujood properly; none of you should spread his forearms like a dog does." (al-Bukhaari, Fath, no. 822).
Whoever keeps a dog in his house is denied the blessing of the angels’ presence in his house, as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 3225).
Keeping dogs nowadays is the habit of the kuffaar, who adopt them as friends, kiss them, let them lick them and their clothes, sleep with them and even leave them money in their wills. Keeping a dog is an imitation of the kuffaar. Some Muslims may claim that they need to keep a dog at home for purposes of protection, to which we respond that nowadays there are burglar alarm systems and other measures one may take for security purposes, and there is no need to keep a dog, praise be to Allaah.}}

===ذبح الخروف عند ولاد الطفل===
===ذبح الخروف عند ولاد الطفل===
{{Quote|Chapter 29, {{cite web|url=http://bewley.virtualave.net/Rissac.html |title=The Risala of 'Abdullah ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani (922-996): A Treatise on Maliki Fiqh  |publisher= |author= |date= |archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20160813135329/http://bewley.virtualave.net/Rissac.html |deadurl=no}}|'''29.8 The 'Aqiqa'''
'''29.8a The 'aqiqa is recommended'''
Sacrificing an animal for the birth of a child ('aqiqa) is a recommended sunna. It should be done on the seventh day after the birth of the child, using a sheep similar in age and characteristics to what has been previously mentioned concering sacrifices for the 'id. The day on which the child is born is not counted as one of the seven days. The animal should be sacrificed in the morning.}}

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